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Jochen König

Venture Building at the intersections of Politics, Business and Society


Paju Venture and Jochen König

My name is Jochen König. With Cosmonauts & Kings, I built as a co-founder and MD the market leader in Germany for digital political communication.

My goal is to drive innovation and empowerment through technology at the intersections of politics, business, and society.


Based on my experience in strategic leadership, data-driven decision-making, and negotiation tactics, I have been able to contribute to the successful management and growth of companies over the last 10 years.

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My Expertise

Digital Communication & Strategy

Software-Innovation for GovTech and CivicTech

Venture Building and -Management

Leadership and Business Innovation


Political Entrepreneurship

With the Cosmonauts & Kings and Civical, I have advanced innovation and technology in the field of politics and communication over the past years in Germany."

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